Friday, May 31, 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

1st Test Post :)
Photo edits by Ryan Barber via Photoscape. I downloaded  the free application at 


  1. China is the largest emmiter of co2 and it the year 2000 and the graph goes straight up, I found it intersting that China is the biggest emitter and do not regulate fossil fuel emmisions. I know they burn alot of coal.

    ryan i agree with you that the fault should be directed towards the governments and the citizens will do what the governments tell them.

    I really like your blog you have alot of useful information on here and it is neat and nicly done.

  2. Good post! Not surprising that Canada's Per capita CO2 emissions are just a bit smaller than that of the U.S.

  3. I'm not surprised that Canadian citizens emit around the same amount of CO2 as U.S. citizens. Even though Canada is much smaller in terms of population, I believe that they have the same responsibility as every other country to reduce their CO2 emissions. I liked your post and keep up the good work.

  4. I was not surprised to see that Canada was so comparable to the US in there carbon emission ranking. They both live similar lifestyles. However I was surprised to see such a huge spike in it. It appears that it went from nearly nothing to almost the highest in a matter of a few short years. What do you think the cause for this was?

  5. WOW! Interesting stuff, I knew that every country was working on making their carbon impact smaller; but an actual document to regulate that? Thats pretty interesting! The "Total Fossil Fuel Emissionby Country" chart was a little confusing; why is Canada so low on the chart yet all the numbers show that Canada and the US are so similar in their emissions? Its really interesting to learn about a country so close! Thanks for sharing!
